A New Thought for the New Year to Come

So yesterday I was invited to speak in Church, or rather, I was invited to speak in Church yesterday.  I shared some thoughts on things I had learned this past year as well as some hopes for the new year.

This morning I happened onto a blog about 100  “somethings” for the new year, from a few years ago.  Immediately it crossed my mind that this blog should not be totally random but could be about how I come to organize myself, which is my plan for the new year.  Hopefully very short posts on how I am succeeding in organizing myself, my stuff, my projects, my body, my home, my life.

To the end that I wanted a “Before” record,  I went around the house taking photographs of multiple places needing organization.  I will save the photos but will not share them right now.  Perhaps, and only perhaps, I will share a photo or two once I have an “After”.

With good fortune I will post again soon.