It is so wonderful to have Megan and her family with us for ten-plus days.  We have already been gigantically busy and more to come.

Megan loved the samplers I wove at the Harrisville Weaving Center in June with teacher Tom Jipson.  I loved that class and recommend it to everyone.  Anyway, I had gotten some parts to update the loom as the folks there told me I should.  Aunt Freda had given me her beautiful Harrisville loom which she purchased in 1975.  The rawhide cables were a bit stretched, so I bought into the idea of replacing them and some other parts.

When Megan and I started putting the loom together with the new parts we could not do it!  I called and found that Terri was going to be there  until five and would help us.  We arrived at about 1:30 and worked like dogs for two hours putting on new parts.  We discovered that in the confusion of check-out day in June whoever had gotten the parts for us had given us parts for a 22-inch loom even though the receipt clearly stated that they were parts for a 36-inch loom, which is the size of mine.

We arrived home after six to hungry men, and burned out ourselves.  Lovely day together, though.

Today Megan put on the ribbons. All we have left to do is put together the tensioning device then we are ready to warp the loom.  Yay!!

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